Thursday, June 26, 2008

A few spoons

A few spoons
Originally uploaded by lilyhoyer

My son is a drummer, the neighbors know this, my daycare provider knows this, even my dog knows this, YET it has taken me at least 2 months before it sunk in with me. So, in an effort to understand and empower my little tito puente, I found a few simple wooden spoons at the thrift shop.
My thought was to make a few sets of "boomers" or "drumming sticks" as he calls them. So after naps, we added some paint and after a drying period of about 10 minutes he started whacking away. I hope I saved at least a few kitchen utensils in the process


FiveGreenAcres said...

There is a set of alphabet stamps found on ebay being put in their shipping box and addressed to me right now. You're getting me into trouble. :)

ten finger workshop said...

sorry mary jo, but there soooo worth it!