Friday, December 10, 2010

homemade cocoa

Here's a simple homemade gift for your neighbors & friends.  
Hot Cocoa mix:
 1 cup cocoa + 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
or if you like it a little bittersweet reduce the sugar to 1 1/4 cup. 
We mixed them together with a whisk and carefully packaged them into jars as gifts.  
Add one tsp cocoa mix for every cup of milk, heat, serve & smile.  
here's to getting a bit of the holiday spirit, 
lily & oscar


Anonymous said...

Nice and cozy treat.

urban craft said...

Look at your little cocoa maker. After helping make it, I bet it was a rewarding and enjoyable treat!

Juniper said...

Nothing like a hot cup of cocoa! Here they make it like pudding, dark and very very thick.

Sally Heap said...

1 tsp or 1 tbsp? Because a teaspoon seems way small for a cup of cocoa.

Meraki said...

its that easy... mind blown lol

angie merkle said...

With all due respect, my girls and I just made this and added 1 TBSP to a 6 oz. mug of warm milk and I have to say it tastes awful! All 3 daughters spit it out. I used natural unsweetened baking cocoa...the only cocoa i've ever known. It tastes SUPER bitter. Is this the kind of cocoa I'm supposed to be using? Is there another kind of cocoa out there that I don't know about?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Angie it was really bitter. I did use unsweetened baking cocoa.

Mekissa said...

I buy the flavored dry creamers and mix them in with the cocoa. I also add White chocolate chips Into my mix. I also use a little less cocoa in my mix.

Anonymous said...

Follow the hot cocoa recipe on the hersheys baking cocoa powder box. Its amazing. Best cocoa you'll ever have.

vicki said...

Thank you for sharing your recipe. Everyone has different taste and we adjusted the recipe. We added an additional quarter cup of powder sugar and when we mix it up we use tablespoons of mix with mix...then after it was heated we topped it with holiday marshmellows... it was enjoyed by all... Hugs and Peace

Unknown said...

Just made this for my lactose free husband, and it is so good! Now making another batch for Christmas gifts! Thank you!